Thursday, January 13, 2011

Answer 3

1. Aqua does not belong as it's the only one which is not a tree. Willow does not belong as it's the only one which is not a colour. 

2. Sword does not belong as it's the only one which is not a family pet. Hamster does not belong as it's the only one which is not a type of fish. 

3. Double does not belong as it's the only one which is not a person of royalty. Prince does not belong as it's the only one which is not a bed size.


Question 3

Odd Two Out

In this teaser, you have to find the odd ones out in the groups of words. BUT WAIT! There's a catch. Each group of words has TWO words which do not belong. Can you find them both?


Lily - Jane - Tulip - Rose

Jane does not belong as it's the only one which is not a flower.

Tulip also does not belong because it's the only one which is not a girl's name.

You're on your own for the rest!

1. Aqua - Hazel - Willow - Cherry

2. Cat - Sword - Hamster - Dog

3. Prince - Double - Queen - King

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ancient Aliens

                              This picture is from the Mayan the people who vanished for no reason know to scientist. Does this not look like astronaut?

You might not know Erich von Däniken theory about ancient aliens but he believes that aliens came to earth to help us develop long ago. They help make the pyramids. They show them much more. The pyramids were made for us to learn from the ancient people. Let learn about these people by going to the website were I got the information. The website is 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

'Zoroark: Master of Illusions'

The pokemon movie you have to see. Why? It will be the movie to start the new pokemon region. Need another reason. You'll see new pokemon and new legend pokemon too. It will be It will be on February 5, 2011 on Cartoon Network.

New DS

                                                                       A Red 3DS

The newest DS system is come out this March. It is called the 3DS. It is will be 3D with out the glasses. How awesome is that but let get back to the point. Kids under 7 will not be able to play on 3D mode. They don't want the kids to have any problems while their body are still developing. Some people when they watch movies that are 3D they get headaches.

All information is from'dangerous'

Hope you like the information